the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Monday, April 10, 2006

I play mouse,

and all the mythology readings play cat. How rare that I am willing to play something other than a cat.

I don't understand my room. It is never lit properly after 3pm. It is usually too dim for even reading. Even in Spring. The petty light mounted on the wall of my room gives literally yellow light. Like an ERS without gels at 30. Or at most like one with a yellow gel at 70. I am not kidding. So a couple months ago I actually went to IKEA and got a desklamp. That things is bright and looks fancy. I kind of like it. But the beam is way too focused so it basically makes the pages look brighter than the sun. Right, move away from the lamp a bit, eh? I said the beam is WAY too focused and I am not kidding. And for some reasons everything outside my window absorbs and reflect light at all the wrong times. It's not like I've got a spectacular view anyway. I can only see the next residence building. Happy that I probably don't have to live in this room anymore.

So the campus has gone pretty quiet. Not that I have been around much these days- got readings to catch up with. Today I got sort of irritated by Odeipus though. The play is unneccessarily hideously long and boring, filled with exaggerated and loose chorus lines. Don't recall doing anything else except that. Probably I will read some other tragedies later on. Probably not.

Remember the practise bagpipe thing I talked about? It still hasn't arrived. Don't know what the fuck is wrong with that ebay seller who claims to be in Canada, but the thing hasn't arrived 20 days after the payment went through. Liar. What if I don't get the thing before I leave? I want my new toy (but then it's not like I will have time to fiddle with it until summer...)!

Information overload. I mean, mythology overload. It can be pleasant when one's reading a good translation of the Iliad or the Odyssey. But not those rather dull Greek tragedies. Can't wait until Thursday. I just want the thing done and done for (I don't even know if that means anything).

Still learning how to juggle.

I was reading through blogs and whatnot- I realize I do can understand people's writing styles by now. Of course the layout of blogs do help, but I rarely pay attention to it anyway.

How much scattered, unrelated info am I going to give in this post?

Somehow, just somehow I miss a few moments in my acting class a lot. No, I don't really care to elaborate. I can assure you though, no wild hot sexual fantasies or mad violent fights are included. Just gentle, still moments and yet so alive and powerful. The moments that I am actually living in the present.

Boy I started to enjoy the present? That's strange.

For a moment I wanted to delete everything in this post and squeeze a wannabe clever and deep post out of my hair instead.

I haven't touched anything containing alcohol for... more than a week at least. Strange. I'm running out of tobacco too.

'Stop the song, and remember what you used to be-
Somebody that fucking impressed me.'

From 'The Bright Young Things'. I can see so many people singing (actually, in the song, whispering) that line to me. Just so many.


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