the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Got bored of those fancy letter things.

So the old lady in the train...

Artificial bell chime. The train door was going to close in a second. Björk was singing into my ears. 'And if you complain once more, you'll meet the army of me, army of me...'

Let's rewind a little bit more. 'Now don't get too wet, ciao!' The woman said. I just had my audition for the summer job, and I was walking slowing in the rain back to the train station. I was letting little drops of rain hitting my hair my coat my jeans my glasses. I saw mothers pushing baby-cars pacing across the road, men in suit holding Starbucks papercups dashing from one roof to another, young people running pass me. But I was walking slow. I love getting soaked in rain- makes me feel nice and look miserable and crazy at the same time.

Now I could only see water drops in front of my eyes, but I couldn't hear the raindrops tapping my leather coat anymore. '?' I raised my hand and took away my glasses. Empty train tracks. Even if I couldn't see their eyes clearly I knew people were looking at me. A long haired Chinese wearing a long leather coat, with a pair of large headphones over his ears, plus soaking wet, dripping water. How often do you see one of those? I understand them. If I see a glass bottle mating with a milk carton I would stare also. Now it makes me wonder what would their offspring be. Glass milk bottles? Cartons of liquor?

The heater in the train was burning my calves and drying my jeans at the same time. I remember it was raining yesterday. I don't remember seeing any milk cartons mating with glass bottles, though. I remember I had an audition yesterday. I don't remember I drank 5 cups of coffee yesterday but I really did. I remember the old lady in the train, though.

An extra drum beat was suddenly added to my music and I knew that the train doors were closed again. The temporary peace was about to fade into the restless melody of the train rolling over the tracks mindlessly. Whhhhhhhhhoooooophheeeeeeeeew. I got caught up in the sight of oil trucks lining up, waiting helplessly in the rain for nothing. Suddenly a black shadow moved on my left. The man who was supposed to be sitting next to me disappeared. I turned my head a bit further to the left and I saw him moved to the row behind me. 'Hey what the...' I thought. Did I smell funny? Don't think so. Soon I lost interest in thinking about why he left and I turned back. And something caught my eyes.

An old lady with a walking stick was trying so hard to reach for the empty seat which was literally a metre away from her. The seat that belonged to the man sitting next to me. I suddenly realized why the black coat left me. I did not stink. Then again it would not make any sense for me to give up my seat because, well, the men saw the lady before I did and he left. And hell if I saw that lady I would have given her my seat. It felt a little bit awkward at first honestly. I felt a little bit bad for not realizing the old lady, and when I saw her I wanted to help her to get to the seat but I did not know what to do.

Those pair of eyes which have seen the wars, seen friends and relatives pass away were staring at the empty seat for a good while. Half a minute or so. It was long enough in such a situation, believe me. Then half way between the station she got on and the next station, the walking stick and the two legs took slow and little steps. One, two... and a half, three... one and, two, three and a... one. Finally she made it. I was so relieved. I would feel really bad if I let her stumble and fall right in front of me. When she sat down our eyes met and I smiled slightly (I know I must have looked scary for her)- and I did not get any reply. She just aknowledge that she saw my smile without any facial expression or body language with a short stare, and then turned and looked away. Not long after that she abruptly stood up. So agile and fast that it just felt surreal for me. The metal leg took the first step, then the flesh and blood ones took the second and third and it goes on... she stumbled away from me. This time I really think I smell funny. Or maybe she thought I looked really weird or something.

The train suddenly stopped. Was it some kind of signs? Different kinds of people staying away from me, or ignoring my expressions. And now time has suddenly stopped. Were they coming to get me now? Was it the end?

Then I saw the lady slowly walked out of the train. It was her stop. That was why she spent so long thinking if it was worth the trouble to walk to the empty seat and rest for 30 seconds, and then spend as much energy to walk out of the train. Looked through the window and I saw her standing in front of the staircase. Her eyes set still in the middle of the air, looking at something which was non existant in my eyes. Not even in my eyes. Imagine that. How can I not see something? I wonder who she was. What she was looking at and such.

Sorry that I'm winding the post up in such a hurry- I'm rather tired and in a weird mood after my acting class. Had a bad trip you could say. The exercise did not work for me at all.

Next time I'll talk about my theory about how the population is divided in two, one part being those being stalked, the other being the ones stalking.


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