the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Monday, March 13, 2006

n roughly a month's time I will be done with my first year in SFU. A month. By tomorrow I would have quit smoking for a month. Think the last time I smoked was on the 14th last month. Then again once my pipe comes I'll start again. I know, I know it's strange.

So I have a month left. During this month I will be incredibly busy I suppose. Two mythology essays (although only 500 words each), three reviews on technical elements of 2 professional performances, one final project for my Stage Management class (which would be making various lists- light cue, sound cue, character, props..., then the prompt book- making the actual cues and blockings on the script, and finally call the damn show), and I probably should get something done for my acting class (the Hamletmachine monologue), after that I will have to sit for a Mythology final exam (which consists of multiple choices about some weird details and stuff and short essay questions), and my first year will finish with the most important thing in my year and so far in my life. The audition. I guess I have talked about me being a bit worried about screwing it up and hence not able to study theatre here- so I'm not really gonna talk about it and imagine stupid scenerios. Ha.

I really dislike people expecting me to do things, like behaving like a semi-grown-up or ace-ing all the exams and tests and such. I do what I feel like, and if I want you to tell me what to do, I will ask. Sometimes I ask more, sometimes less. But just don't expect me to do what you want me to do all the time. I realized something funny last night when I was hanging out in the common room of my floor. I was out earlier and I was wearing the usual jeans, pink pullover, my blood red boots plus the skirt I made myself. When I came back I suddenly wanted to watch TV (I ended up watching animal programs and cartoons. Didn't watch anything else), and so I went straight into the common room and sat there for a while (I ended up hanging out in there for 2 or 3 hours I think). After the story about Chimps ended, one floormate came in and joined me for cartoons. It was either the Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show or the Flinstones. We were watching TV, talking, sharing Oreos that I bought (I suddenly wanted something sweet last night. don't ask)- and when she noticed my skirt she stared at it for half a second. You know that kind of stare? Not a hostile or impolite one, just like when you see something that is not supposed to be there, and you know it's rude to stare at it but you just had to have a short stare before anyone notices.

Like when you see a man walking with his dick dangling out of his pants. Yes, like that. You know you aren't supposed to stare, you know it's not supposed to be there, but you just had to look at it for half a second to make sure you are not hallucinating. Nah, I have nothing againt that floormate. She's cool and interesting to talk to- at least I finally understand how credit cards work (and they are not THAT scary) thanks to her. BUT- I still believe those people in banks are just hired to confuse and booby-trap me...

Anyway I just find it so funny. Because I got the same 'am I hallucinating?' stare from another floormate who came in. She was talking to us and stuff, at the beginning she did not notice my skirt thing at all. But then when she was trying to tell me something, and saw the skirt accidentally and I was so sure that she stopped for at least a quarter of a second, looking at the skirt with a slight touch of surprise and confusin on her face- and she went on talking of course.

I don't really get it. I am not pissed off or something. I am not even complaining. I just find it funny that they find it strange enough to react to it but never really tell me about it. Apparently they weren't really sure if it was really a skirt I s'ppose. I saw someone with a print T-shirt saying 'I am here, so don't talk about me as if I'm not. It's rude. If you have a question, just ask.' or something like that- I want to own one of those.

Actually I don't really have anything too interesting to say in this post. The journey of me going out prior to the common room thing does have a couple of things that I want to talk about. I might add it in later on- this post is getting really long and pointless. I honestly just started to write because of the letter 'i' I made-


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