the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Something's wrong, fellas...

...severe stomach ache whic is not supposed to be happening- awagelkj i faewm amewchn.. fucjikk..

EDIT: Alright. Thought it would have gone after some food. Wrong answer. Then again I took a nap for half an hour and it seems to be fine now. It was pretty likely that my brain is exaggerating things. Hopefull it is the case. Don't think I qualify for holes in the stomach yet. Anyway. 1 hour of stage management and 3 hours of acting for tomorrow. Hope it is gonna be alright. On a side note I should start to have self control. Letting myself floating in void is not really healthy. I mean, I could have spent my time doing something better, right? Eh, it's not like I really care at the moment. Give me a week or two- it's the standard 'lose and trash yourself' cycle.

EDIT2: For the me-forgetting stuff examples... I don't think I would be able to accomplish so much when I was drunk... :P And I haven't got the theatre job yet anyway :P In a sense I don't want it- I at least want to watch the World Cup on TV... don't think it will be possible if I stay in Canada-


At Wednesday, March 08, 2006 11:13:00 p.m., Blogger Tugc said...

About your previous post, are you sure you were not drunk?If not, it kinda sounds pretty weird..But congrats for your theatre job..


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