the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A little update.

So I had a mythology mid-term quiz thing today. Ah well, I did not fuck it up too bad, but neither did I fuck it in the ass. Anyway. Remember the acting job over summer I talked about a while earlier? I am asked to audition for it. Another step closer to getting my first official paid job. T. tagged me just now for some games- as I don't have too much to say at the moment, I'll just play along. Guess that game thing will trigger some thoughts. Seems like it's a game of 4's.

4 jobs I had:

eh... actually, I am still a virgin in terms of official employment. However, if you count receiving money after working for a period of time...

1. Actor (just a tiny bit of money as I was only... 12 or 13 years old)
2. Assistant Stage Manager (just another tiny bit of money as it was only a semi-prof. performance anyway)
3. Hand. (received.)
4. Blow. (received.)


4 films I could watch again:

What? Only 4 films? Fine.

1. Trainspotting
2. 2046
3. Happy Together
4. Lovers of the Arctic Circle

Honourable mentions (yes I'm cheating here):

Fight Club, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Requiem for a Dream, American History X, In the Mood for Love, Days of Being Wild, Chungking Express, Burnt by the Sun, Amadeus, Immortal Beloved, Donnie Darko, Lola Rennt, Talk to Her, Memento...

ALL those movies mentioned above, I've watched them for at least 3 times. AT LEAST.

4 places I lived at:

1. My own head (and still living)
2. Hong Kong
3. Flekke, Norway
4. Burnaby/Vancouver, Canada (and probably still living)

4 TV series I like to watch:

Hmm... it is difficult here as I don't watch a lot of TV. Can't really list them. Cartoons and any documentaries dealing with animals will do.

4 places I have been on vacation to:

Painful, joyful, scary, weird, funny, yet all memorable places.

1. Nokia+Tampere+Helsinki, Finalnd
2. Hong Kong (YES, I go back for summer breaks.)
3. Bogovadja+Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro (Well, technically it was volunteering but...)
4. There are more than 1 place left that I have been to during breaks... so I'll leave it blank to be fair.

4 websites I visit everyday:

1. You don't wanna know
2. You don't wanna know
3. You don't wanna know
4. You don't wanna know

Just kidding, truth here:

1. Friends blogs (I don't even visit my own blog everyday)
2. Yahoo Hong Kong (to read news back 'home')
3. Google
4. ... I don't really have any other sites that I visit everyday.

4 books (to recommend I suppose)

1. The Theatre and its double- Antonin Artaud
2. An Actor Prepares- Constantin Stanislavsky
3. Playbo... Nah, I actually haven't read even one issue of it. Right. Guerrilla Warfare- Che Guevara (just for the fun of it, it's not like it's a great piece of literature)
4. ANY, and I mean ANY, fairy tales collection books.

4 places where I'd like to be right now

1. My head
2. Flekke
3. Artaud's head
4. On stage

So it's time to tag people I guess... Niko is tagged already, Kate is tagged already... hmm. Let's see. I'll tag 3 people only then. I know the Icelandic is not going to update any time soon and the kids are busy with their mocks.

Vittu (muhaha, you HAVE TO), Spanish person (if you're alive)and Zh.


At Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:15:00 p.m., Blogger Tugc said...

Hehe..It is fun,isnt it? From time to time, nice to learn some small stupid details about friends;) I should come up with more questions..:)

At Thursday, March 02, 2006 3:31:00 p.m., Blogger Tiger said...

Well the 'kids' are not that busy.. just our net constatly dying on us...

At Thursday, March 02, 2006 8:29:00 p.m., Blogger K. said...

we are all pathetic and back in third grade with that tagging stuff... uh well. i did it too. sad.
smile on ;)


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