the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Alumni website

The RCNUWC alumni site is something to look at when I'm bored on a Saturday afternoon. It's strange to think some of us are taking a year off, travelling and looking at the world, some of us are doing damn meaningful volunteering in interesting places, and some, like me, are going on studying.

I am in a sense jealous. Jealous of those who are doing something else instead of studying. I wish I could be teaching volleyball or something like that in, say, China, Eastern Europe or something. But then there is always a possibility to do such stuff after university. I can always offer myself to teach Theatre Arts in flekke. I mean, or I could help Pete out if he's still teaching (or... getting pissed off at Operation Daysworks- Vittu, ring any bells? It WAS Operation Dayswork, right?). I don't know. Just that it feels so weird. It's not even nostalgia. It simply feels strange. Looking through the alumni directory I could almost hear those people reading their little note out as if they are telling me stuff face-to-face. I could almost see them- teaching, working, studying, chilling, and terrorizing roads of Finland. It's just so easy to imagine that. While I was looking at the old mugshots of my co-years in the directory, I realized how much people have changed. We just look different- we already look so different from then today. I can't stop thinking about how everyone will look like 9 and a half years later.

It's scary that I was living in the present so hard, so deeply and so alive during those two years.

I should start living in the present. I really should. Instead of inside my head or bottles.


At Sunday, February 19, 2006 12:16:00 a.m., Blogger Tugc said...

I actually a jealous of people who take a year off and volunteer...i wish i didnt listen to others about my completing my education soon, and do things after...I will definitely do it one day...For sure..

At Sunday, February 19, 2006 8:02:00 a.m., Blogger K. said...

Unfortunately, for some it's not so easy to overcome people and things and to just go and volunteer. Would have done it too if I didn't have two very good reasons against it- money and my mom. Well. Present. As it is. That's all you've got.That's what I am starting to realize and convince myself of.

At Monday, February 20, 2006 12:29:00 p.m., Blogger Zhenia said...

well, I'm in the same boat with K. willing to do something else but being stoped due to an always issue of money and parents...
You really should stop living inside your head and especially bottles. Reality is not that bad, jsut give it a try and be possitive about it :)

At Sunday, December 10, 2006 5:15:00 a.m., Blogger Dreihaddar said...

I've been trying to find the damn alumni website for awhile now.

All I can find is the one accessable from RCNUWC site, the one that asks for the name of the science building, but I can't seemt to access that one.

Link me up?



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