the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Chewing water

Suffering from a slight insomnia makes me do things. First I watched Pink Floyd the Wall, and then I went on watching a Japanese cartoon movie called 'Grave of the Fireflies'. Check the Japanese one out. It isn't bad at all, very sad though. It's about how a pair of siblings tried to survive during the late WWII period. Nothing much about the war and it was just mainly concentrating on how ugly people could be. 'Tis a good movie though, just that in some cases I sense they are just trying to milk the audience. Ah well, it's made like, what, at least 10 years ago I guess...

Well, watching the Wall actually did not make me think too much. I somehow just don't like it that much. It's a good movie and all, but I think it's overrated. Anyways, Pink Floyd's still legendary. Alright. What's with the title then? Chewing water. I actually tried that just now. It's funny. Try to have a mouthful of water and chew it as if it's some big lump of jelly or beef, or whatever you may wish to chew on- I don't wanna know. Noticed how easily it's chewed into two or more pieces? Noticed how damn weak the water is? Wait a second. Also noticed how fast it pulls itself together back in one big piece again? I find it funny for some reasons. No big thoughts. Just something dumb I've done.

I have also been staring at the moon a lot while I'm puffing away at night. You know, we don't get a lot of clear skies over here on the coast (damn west coasts- Flekke, Vancouver, all the same). I have always been wondering how people in the old days think there's a rabbit on the moon and stuff. I tried and tried and tried to stare at the moon until my necks go so sore (or until long ashes build up on my cig), but still I can't see it. I sometimes envy the people in the old days so much- look at all those myths and gods and whatnot they created. Just look at all that. I wish there was still something left for us to create or explore. Well to create maybe. But it's just a different kind of creation we make these days, don't you think so? Then again, there's always something to explore- it's interesting enough to explore yourself, your own mind. There's just ALWAYS something there to discover, within yourself. But I'm talking about, you know, new continents, new scientific rules and all those things. Even a new type of theatre. Just tell me WHAT hasn't been done before. Well, then again I think soon enough (before I die of lung, heart and liver failure) I will be able to tell you what hasn't been done before- and has just been done/ figured out by me. Anyway, let's go on with staring at the moon.

I also tried to look for the flag of the USA which is supposed to be up there. Of course I cannot find it- even before I started to look for it I knew I would not be able to find it anyway. So I started to wonder what's on the dark side of the moon. Yes, I know there are 9 tracks on the album. I know it syncs with the Wizard of Oz. But I'm talking about the one up there. Same, round and mysterious, yet attractive.

So what would be up there?

Or would it just be like... you know, I'm Truman and they're just watching me? Or maybe some kind of alien plantation or population have been our next-door neighbours for 1000s of years? Or maybe it's a damn lie by the scientists that we can only see 1 side of the moon- you know, we just assume what they say is correct. Maybe they just think it would be damn funny to fool us for our whole lives? Let's just assume they are not lying then, what the hell's on the other side? Syd Barret? Nah he's still living somewhere in Cambridge I believe- Would it be like a theatre with no lights working back there? Like, you know, one day a few thousand years ago some little green, purple, red, pink aliens built this new theatre on the other side, and they were all sitting and watching an adaptation of, say, Hamlet. In the play Hamlet has a few heads and hearts so when he said the 'to be, or not to be' line everyone just giggles, or maybe Ophelia is an alien from a planet full of water so when Gertrude says Ophelia drowned, the audience will give each other a weird look. Or blue Laertes has 8 arms so he just can't lose the fencing match, you get what kind of a play I'm trying to imagine. Where was I? Oh yeah, so these little and big aliens were watching Hamlet a couple of thousands of years ago (assuming there is an equivalent of William back then, on some other planets) in this big fancy cool new gorgeous theatre on the other side, and just suddenly... you know, accidents happen and all the lights went out. Followspots, ERS, fresnels, even the houselights. Everything went out. So it was just black out all over that side (you know, lights go in straight lines... that's why Cleopatra & co. usually don't see that the other side has been lit all along)... Argh. I'm a bad story teller. You get what I mean: alien theatre, light problem, space is a vacuum so we cannot hear the audience whispering and waiting for 1000+ years, it stays dark like that... until the head electrician wakes up from his nap- you know, Hamlet can be a bit too long and dull at some point.

Well, that could really be what is actually going on on the dark side of the moon. Who would believe those crap by NASA saying it's only a dark cold lifeless place? I mean, if some random bacteria could live on sulphur in volcanoes and oxygen is toxic to them, why won't some aliens be able to live on nothing, or just soil and mud or something? And of course, they just have to love theatre- I mean, I wouldn't mind thinking aliens love theatre too.

I'm really losing track of what I wanted to say. Hope you guys find the 'Darkside Theatre incident/urban(universal) myth' sensible enough to read.

Fuck. Insomnia also makes my eyes hurt and my stomach growl. And of course there's no food around. Time to overindulge on nicotine to make that fake hungry feeling go away I guess.

Shine on, mother moon.
Shine on, all you crazy diamonds.


At Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:25:00 a.m., Blogger Tugc said...

I sometimes find the moon scary actually..Dont ask me why or how..It seems to me that it just shows a little piece of its to us,and hides the rest..It is so similar to us,isnt it...

At Sunday, February 12, 2006 10:00:00 p.m., Blogger K. said...

the scariest moon I have ever seen was on the train from venice to milan in feb 2005. I was alone in a compartment in the train and the moon took up literally half the window and was intense orange in color.
why does the moon change its color btw?

At Monday, February 13, 2006 10:38:00 p.m., Blogger K. said...

explanation to my blog: E stands for Emil, who is the other bulgarian in my year and the only one of them in the school that i talk to.

At Thursday, April 23, 2009 12:53:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

the shadows on the moon look diffrent depending on your posistion on the earth.


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