the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Unproduvtive, no?

Been doing minimal studying today and yesterday. Spend the whole day yesterday starting a new play named temporarily 'fairies dancing on the lawn'. This is a play of quite different style from what I usually think of/actually write down. Apparently it's inspired by the newspaper clipping I posted before. It's more like a tragedy with a slight touch of children's story. I will see how this goes- I might even blend in old ideas and half finished plays into that play 'cause it indeed would make sense no matter what I put in 'fairies'. Would be interesting to finish and polish that play.

Something happened today. Holding my key, I anxiously force it into the keyhole with my shaking, half-awake, nicotine craving hands. Crush crash chuh. It's in. I took a deep breath and whispered, 'bitte, bitte!' Then came a little squeak from the lock itself and I pulled the little metal door of my mailbox. It looked like a hollow cave. It is one indeed- no little slip telling me that I got a package. i.e. the practise goose (the bagpipe thingy) still hasn't come yet. Well, there are always tomorrows, I suppose.

Speaking of tomorrow, I'll have my exam. Can't wait. Actually it's in 10 and a half hours. 0830 tomorrow. Just want to get that gods raping people and endless repetitive violent scenes out of my head. Vittu experienced how severe my case of mythology-information overload is. A bunch of names and events. A pile of them.

Fairies do dance on the lawn, I tell you.


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