the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Friday, January 27, 2006

Pink layout

I don't know why. I changed the picture and the layout. For some reasons I want a new 'poem' under the blog title also. So there you go, everything changed.

And don't ask why I picked pink. There are no special reasons for that.

So I am done for the week- until next Tuesday. Don't have much to do, except little bit of reading and a German test on Wednesday. I have started to use German words and pronounciations unintentionally during conversations, on and off the internet. Komisch. Ach well, that means my German is getting better and better I guess, doesn't it? I should finish the last bit (quite a big bit) of vodka, so that I won't have access to any alcohol when I have to study. Good idea, no?

Good to hear A. and Z. have got blogs also. Now the 2005 RCN grad blog 'community' (sorry, I don't mean to exclude those who don't have one... but get one then g*d damn it.) literally ranges from a to z. What am I talking about? I am just trying to be funny under the influence of the drink. And I know it's not working. EDIT: now when I think about it, it is more like Zh rather than Z alone, right?

Hmm, vittu- Wir mussen zurück gehen und ich natürlich muss nach Handystadt gehen auch. Und warum schreibe ich auf deutsch... anyway- Handystadt... I like this name. But yep, now I know that Merja likes me and probably Raimo will offer me more muna... then Handystadt has become kind of a must for me- and of course Timi looooooooooooooooooooooooves me (using his comb).


At Friday, January 27, 2006 5:02:00 p.m., Blogger Tugc said...

Who are these people?:)
anyways..I liked "the icelandic who never updates" link:)
Ich weiss nicht warum du schreibst auf deutch...
(I can assure you that i have shit loads of mistakes there,but who cares,the last time i took german was 6years ago i guess..which was 2 hours per week only)
I wanna drink too..And dont remember anything!Would be cool..


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