the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Sunday, January 22, 2006

By kids...

I'm refering to my first years, rabbit ;)

And yes. I finished my 750ml of gin from 1230 to now (0100)...
and the party wasn't that much fun anyways. Talked to a few people and it was nice and all that. But somehow my untouched-by-me-vodka is only quarter full. For some reasons. Anyway. At least people appreciate good vodka.

People are now coming back from the ball thingy. Full of formally dressed people walking back. It's kinda funny.

I actually feel like kinda a girl sometimes. I'd like to be invited more then to invite. I'd like to feel safe within someone's arms and bosom rather than holding someone and make him/her safe. I don't know. Maybe I'm just stereotyping.

Anyway. I will write more when I'm sober again.

Vittu- stop flirting with the bartender- I read your msn message, eh? And well, give me your damn phone number and I'll phone ya. Some time.

P.S. The phone number thing applies to everyone who reads this blog- just give me a phone number and I'll phone ya when I feel like.


At Sunday, January 22, 2006 2:16:00 a.m., Blogger derniko said...

Well, theoretically you're invited at least once for every person you invite at some time - so it's only natural to be invited rather than invite :) (I am the same ;) ).
And as for balls - St Andrews has been up and running for two weeks now and yet not a single ball has happened. In the last two weeks there'll be three every weekend. I guess they're so popular because you can invite yourself by buying a ticket and having all the fancy dress - and it is an invitation to show everyone else that you've been invited by being able to get a ticket. Don't know if that made sense... (should really sleep more...)

At Sunday, January 22, 2006 6:21:00 p.m., Blogger Zhenia said...

well, I would say, it's a very phylosofical question: I would rather invite then being invited all the time... I guess it really depends on what is happening in your lives and what you are used to and what you want to be changed or just something new for once.... shit happens, guys!!! :)

Well, I'm inviting both of you!!! :)
P.S. at least I wish we had balls or somethis a bit more different than fertunity parties every Thurday and Saurday :S boring...

At Monday, January 23, 2006 5:31:00 a.m., Blogger Gerbrith said...

Hey, You're all invited here!
I'd say I like being invited as well. Then you don't worry that you're being pushy... Or, I don't worry... ah yeah.
Inviting others is nice as well, but for me it depends on how secure I feel.
But honestly... I think you should all come for our grad. That would be teh awesome...

At Monday, January 23, 2006 7:11:00 a.m., Blogger Egetusmeister said...

You always lose my number! Is it like the 5th time I give it to you? :D And yes, I will be on msn tonight as I have no life anymore... But I do have a job! I will work at an English speaking daycare centre. Can you imagine that? Sick. And btw, no I won't flirting with him is the only joy in my life at the moment :P

At Monday, January 23, 2006 7:12:00 a.m., Blogger Egetusmeister said...

Damn, I lost a word... I mean, I won't STOP flirting with him.. Whatever. verdammt

At Tuesday, January 24, 2006 1:26:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Derek, actually it would be nice if you come here to the rotten hole that now is Flekke. We could even drink some rakija, my Serbian Red Cross is coming soon! Do not get depressed and bullshit, you do not know how things look like now in Flekke and how freakishly insane people turned out to be. The smoker's corner is still there, but people changed and most of them I can't see without sudden sensation of puking arising from deep inside. Anyway, try to make an enormous ex-second years homecoming, my room is always open for drinkin and my bathroom for smoking, we'll kick my first years out instantly. Peace,love,smoking&drinking


At Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:01:00 p.m., Blogger Gerbrith said...

I second that statement. It would be utterly awesome to have loads of second years (You'll always be my second years) around for grad or any other time of the year. And since we, the students are not allowed to book the ungdomshus anymore, you could *hint, hint* throw a grad-drinking-party...


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