the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Hi folks, after a few entries of depressing thoughts, I have decided to write a short, more lightweight post before I take off to the bank and maybe look for a hat.

I found nice free alternatives to some programs that we might need everyday-
Foxit Reader is a good substitute of Adobe PDF Reader. It also allows you to change .pdf files I think. Haven't tried it yet but that's what the website says. Try it. It is a lot faster than Adobe PDF Reader or whatever it is called.

And if you don't want to spend 100s of dollars buying MS Office, try downloading It has basically all the equivalents. Just different names.

All of the interfaces look exactly the same as the 'original' programs, so no troubles about re-learning how to use the programs.

Now I am off to do nothing but just away from the residence. Maybe I will write more later, maybe not.

Shine on.


At Friday, January 13, 2006 9:00:00 a.m., Blogger Egetusmeister said...

Yes, you. The spineless individuals I am referring to exists in Finland and other places as well. I think it's best that I dont' write anything specific here as it turns out all kinds of ppl who don't know me but know my name read my blog and misunderstand things cause they don't know how my brain works(if it works.. does it?) anyways, so now I am slightly over cautious.. :P

At Friday, January 13, 2006 12:19:00 p.m., Blogger K. said...

ok, i am really far behind with what's going on with you... now i know and dunno what to say, except for, you shall suffer for a while but then get on with your life and things will be better again. I only really got on with my life on Jan 3rd, 2006, the day I left Prague.
hugs from bulgaria


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