the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Sunday, January 29, 2006

I was bored enough to... my old posts. The ones back in August. It feels funny to read what I wrote before. In a sense I am still the same person because I still agree with the things I rant about. Then again I somehow have lost creativity and the ability to think wild. Look at the post about wondering the Pepsi can. How did I come up with that thought? And the paragraph about planes going to heaven or hell. How? I might have changed. I have been reporting my life more than writing down my thoughts these days. Maybe since I left Hong Kong, or should I say, since I arrived at Canada? Or honestly maybe because I was drinking when I was writing those posts back in August. You never know. Derek with nothing to do and easy access to alcohol in Hong Kong... you know what it makes. Anyway.

Has university life done me any good yet? I can't tell. At least there aren't any people I am too interested in making good friends with. Either give me 20 minutes to sense if you are the right person and to open up fully and make damn good friends with you, or just stay as hi-bye friends for as long as can be. Oh I am trying too hard to write something and now it just sounds like I am totally milking myself.

Where are you madcap? When are you coming back?

Help me look for him, okay?


At Wednesday, February 01, 2006 5:29:00 p.m., Blogger K. said...

I suppose student life is supposed to make you more thoughtful rather than less... but maybe you are just focusing your thoughts on school and schoolwork than the blog... dunno. or maybe you are starting over now and need a warmup...

in terms of the hug i wrote about in my post- yeah, i wish i got hugs like that more often.


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