the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Things I might want to do this summer.

I think it would be fun to make some kinda summer resolution, and check it out say, on the 31st August and see how many of the goals I would have accomplished by then.

First as I have always said, I would like to get a summer job. Earlier I was being picky and thinking of something more interesting, like something about theatre to work on, but I realized it is virually impossible anyways. So, I'll just get myself occupied from time to time this summer. Just anything which hopefully gets my ass off my bed during the day. Actually I just want to prove people wrong- some (yes, more than one) say that with such a hairstyle and outlook, the chance for me to get a job offer is zero. We'll see.

Then I'll have to become a lobotomist. Not literally.

Hopefully those will occupy my whole summer. Actually not much. I think I'll finish Stanislavsky's 'An actor prepares' in a week or even less, if I can stop myself from 'sipping away for better sleep' at late nights. I might want to re-read Artaud's 'Theatre and its double' if I can find it at all in Hong Kong... maybe a couple of movies are worth watching actually. Not too sure about that. I am nearly surely not watching Phantom (the STAGE version!!) in here since it would either be too expensive or that I'll have to use telescopes. Just like in the operas in the old days, eh? No thanks. I really would like to, but I'm poor.

Ah. As quite a lot of you have noticed, I've been wearing the same damn clothes for quite some time now. Maybe it's time to get something new to wear. I am actually in need of new clothes. Tomorrow maybe, if it doesn't rain like a beer piss like today.

The heat melted my brain (think I wrote exactly the same excuse last summer) and I'm running out (no, not of THAT- of ideas I mean).


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