the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Monday, November 21, 2005

I've been so lazy these days

that I haven't been writing my blog for so long even though I don't really have anything to do finally.

So the theatre show went fine- afterall there weren't too many things to do. It was weird that before the show we were told that one of the acting profs died. I didn't know him. I haven't even seen him. I mean, it just felt a little bit weird since the actors were so overwhelmed by the news. Anyway.

Two more weeks of classes and I'll be done with me first semester in university. Honestly I haven't learnt too much- the Hamlet analyzing class wasn't really the thing for me since I do suck at analyzing plays, honestly. I mean, I understand what the plays are trying to say, I would know how to put it on, but I wouldn't really know how to express my ideas in front of a big class. Especially when I'm still a 'I know nothing' first year and most of them are 2nd 3rd 4th 5th year students. I just don't feel that I have the knowledge to say something. Well, well. And there is my beloved calculus. I haven't been to classes since, ages ago. All I'm hoping now is to do okay in the final exam and pass the course and get the goddamn credit.

Today in the theatre tech class the teacher talked about 'it'. IT was vague. Most of the people did not get it I think. I am pretty sure I have got my 'it'. Just that I'm not good at explaining it verbally. All I can think of is either 'it' is when you understand what the lights are talking about, or 'it' is instead of feeling sad about dying in a theatre, you feel happy, comfortable and complete, or even 'it' is when a theatre has become the daisy petal to hide behind when there's no one to turn to. Forget about it. Forget about 'it'. I don't think anyone got what I was trying to say, not even the teacher. Maybe he meant something else.

And no, nothing particularly interesting happened and after the theatre show, I'm back to my lifeless life currently. I've been thinking of going out and walk around and get laundry powder and get my cell phone to work for winter break- but either I was too busy with the lights or it was raining. Now I'm done with the light, and it hasn't been raining for a while, but I can imagine I would be a little bit stressed about two final papers, one mock interview for theatre, the final test in German and the final exam in math in the next two weeks. Oh, and how could I forget, 2 math homeworks.

This is a boring post. It's the holiday mood. I'm looking forward to the 9th so much- I'm going to Switzerland on the 9th night. So I'll probably leave in the afternoon, after lunch. That will be two days after my math final. Sigh. Days are slow when you count them.


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