the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Coin-operated Boy

Emmi if by any chance you are reading this before I tell you about the news. Yes. Finally I found out how to play Coin-operated Boy, nearly completely... Well yes I could have figured out quite a few months ago but just, y'know, the IB monster and all those shit. Anyway we did the grad speech together.

Yes I am nearly 2 or 3 months late...

Should I just give up thinking about the past? I do remember someone said, 'only people who don't have a life nor a glimmer of hope for the future think and talk about the past all the fucking time.'

Wait. I think it was me.

This is one of the life-myths I think I would never figure out the truth about it. And of course, there are many more life-myths. Guess I should just write a book about all the things I don't understand in life, or well, even only in the adult-world. Only those grown-up life myths can form a dictionary-thick book in my little monkey brain.

By the way the synth riff in Rammstein's Amerika rules. (We're all living in Amerika, Coca-cola, sometimes war...)

Talking about synths/keyboards, I am planning to get a Korg X5D, which is on summersale in TomLee... Yes I have thought of buying a Roland AX-7 Midi keyboard before, but when I think of it... that toy from Roland is just too expensive for what it has- it isn't even a synth. And guess what? The Korg costs the same as the AX-7 in TomLee actually... A cheap synth, an expensive Midi controller; an expensive Midi controller, a cheap synth. I might not be extremely clever like some of my co- or 1st years in o'Flekke, but I am not that stupid. If I would ever get something to mess around with, there it is. Korg X5D is probably what I'll get. Hopefully I will really do something with it after getting that wicked cheap synth, or even someone takes me into a band... That would be too good.

Wait. I don't have an amp.

(Yet another post in one single day. You see how bored I am. I don't even have someone to talk to. I just talk to my own blog. Now I know what makes a good writer: creativity and boredom.)


At Wednesday, August 03, 2005 8:08:00 a.m., Blogger K. said...

you're not talking to yourself... not yet at least...


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