the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

It's scary

It IS scary when I think of how socially impaired I am. Well of course I can just act like I am able to socialize very well, but I just don't like doing that. And the way I make friends is pretty weird - simply by first sight. If I felt that person will have some kinda clicks with me, I'd undoubtedly try to get to know that person. This behaviour is because of too many 'friends' I have had before in Hong Kong - or I'd rather say, people who hang out with me. Well those are one kind of friends I have to admit. But nothing personal or serious can really be talked with them though, I mean, they don't really care - if they rarely had talked to me in the last two years when I was in Norway - then why would you suddenly care? So in the end there are a few people from Hong Kong left whom I'd still like to go out with. You guys know who you are. I have met you already for a few times or at least I have told you that I will meet up with you. And well for the people in Flekke, I won't doubt the fact that a lot of people know my existance and my general behaviour & character (guess I'm known if not famous because of that. Guess I'm know really known for my theatre talent. Anyway, that's another topic though.). But after all, how many out of them do I really know, or vice versa? I mean, yes it is for sure partly my fault that I spend every single minute, nearly, with my lover (well that worths though - at least the time with her was nice and always will be.). But anyway. I am not blaming anyone, but just trying to say how god damn non-socialable I am.

But why would such a thought suddenly come? Oh, right. It's simply because I am wondering how many people from Flekke would actually notice this blog? Or well, how many people who have been reading my xanga would notice this blog? Leave a little message and let me know.

What a way to whine about the boredom of summer.


At Wednesday, August 03, 2005 8:05:00 a.m., Blogger K. said...

I did notice it of course.
love you, cheer up, hey!


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