an equal amount of water and vodka has been put by one in identical markless flasks sitting on the dinnertable and it will never be clear which is which until one morning after a long day's work he is so worn out and glups down one of the two without even processing with his taste buds the tasteless taste or the burning sensation.
this long chunky sentence just suddenly came up in my head and i have since failed to put any meaning in it or relate it to anything but i thought it is almost a sin not to share interesting voices in my head with everyone. i really just thought that sentence is interesting. that's all.
and for all of you who might be wondering... no, i'm completely sober. i know it doesnt explain very well about the last post about the sun and the moon nor the string of words above, but hey.
I think the sentance is totally sweet.
I just hope that it either remains just a sentence and doesn't actullay happen or, if it does happen, that it's the water bottle you come across, and not the vodka one. :D
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