the madcap laughs

...and he sees fairies dancing on the lawn

Thursday, April 26, 2007

a piece of unpolished marble

i wear boots. heavy
steel toes. they are so heavy
that i have to drag my legs

so that when i take them off in the studio i can fly and soar in the sky.

it's a training for my dream.
to differentiate the distinctive feelings
between standing and flying.
between safely grounded and
freely soaring.

i feel safe with my boots.
in the studio and in the theatre i don't need my boots

because it's one of the rare
places that i feel completely safe in, even if it's a place of unknown. i think
that's what makes me feel safe.

wild horse. harness.
why did jesus carry the cross all the way to the top?
not because they made him, because by the time
he is taken off the cross he'll be strong and feel light enough to
float all the way back up to heaven.

that's what my boots do for me.


At Thursday, May 03, 2007 11:47:00 p.m., Blogger K. said...

are you scared that if you don't wear your boots and go outside, you might crash in a plane if you ever make it past the skyscrapers?

word verif:njzxonhw. I mean, seriously.


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